
The Story Behind the Game: Bike Breakout

Three years ago, a travel and tourism brand approached us with an exciting challenge: to develop a game to attract users to their stands in shopping malls and have them compete for a prize. We knew we had to create something that was different, fun, and memorable. After much brainstorming, we finally came up with a crazy but exciting idea: an arcade game in which a character had to escape from a crocodile, both...

AI Artificial Inteligence: 5 Ideas for Everyday Applications

As an entrepreneur in your mid-thirties to mid-fifties, you may have heard a lot about artificial intelligence (AI) and its potential impact on society. Perhaps you've wondered what this means for you and your daily life. Will AI take over your job? Will it make decisions for you? Will it change the way you interact with the world? The truth is, AI is already a part of your life in many ways, and it...

Tips for Successful Brand Activations with Arcade

In today's fast-paced world, brands need to constantly find new ways to engage with their audiences. Brand activations in events, shopping malls, and other public spaces have become popular ways to connect with consumers. And what better way to capture their attention than with interactive games? Video games, in particular, have the power to create immersive experiences that can leave a lasting impression on players. From classic arcade games to cutting-edge AR and VR...

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